[ETH Zürich] – Im Nachgang zur im Januar 2020 abgeschlossenen Bewegungserhebung MOBIS von ETH Zürich (IVT) und Universität Basel (WWZ) mithilfe einer Smartphone-App wird die Studie nun in der Phase des Covid-19-Lockdown weitergeführt, um Verhaltensveränderungen sichtbar zu machen.
Derzeit werden Daten zum Verkehrsverhalten von knapp 1000 Personen erhoben, die aktuell auf der IVT-Webseite zu findende Fassung mit Diagrammen zur Datensammlung soll wöchentlich aktualisiert und erweitert werden.
Folgend die Hinweise auf der Webseite des ETH-Instituts für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (Hervorhebungen durch die Red.):
“On March 16, 2020, 3700 participants who completed the MOBIS study between September 2019 and January 2020 were invited to reinstall the GPS Logger and Travel Diary App ‘Catch-my-Day’ to record their mobility behaviour during the period of special measures implemented to control the spread of the Corona Virus.
“The first 4 weeks of mobility data from the original MOBIS Study is taken for each participant as a baseline against which to compare current mobility patterns. These 4 weeks start place anywhere between 1st September and 15th November, depending on the participant. Only trips in Switzerland are currently considered, although data on cross border travel is available.
“The … figure shows the number of registered and tracking participants per day. A running panel of around 250 participants were already tracking before the sample was reinvited. This allows results for the weeks before the MOBIS-Covid study was officially started, although the sample size is a lot smaller, and hence the results. [Stand 07. April: knapp 1.000 Teilnehmende]
“The daily values are normalized where necessary by the number of tracking participants per day. The analysis will be extended in the coming weeks to accomodate participants who record no GPS activity but are participating in the study—this will be necessary if a total lockdown is implemented.
“The GPS Travel diary used, Catch-my-Day (for iOS and Android) can have a 2-3 day delay before the tracks are available for analysis. The scaling by active participants accomodates for this, but the results of previous reports may change when the report is updated.”
Der Link zur IVT-Webseite