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Publication »Driving Dynamics of Inland Vessels« available

Binnenschiff in Deutschland
Inland Vessel on German Waterway. Photo: Pixabay

Vessel Behaviour on European Inland Waterways and Waterway Infrastructure with Special Respect to German Waterways

Published in German language by VBW in July 2013  | Translation and revision by BAW in July 2016

For decades the volume of goods traffic in Germany and Europe has been rising steadily and sometimes rapidly, with forecasts predicting further growth. Marine transport has increased significantly, due to the continuing internationalisation of trade and production, and consequently more cargo is transported via means such as road, rail and waterways.

The Inland Vessel can have Advantages

It has been evident for many years that road haulage and rail transport can hardly cope with the growing transport volume. At the same time, competition amongst the transport modes is ever increasing, as is cost pressure. There are various factors determining whether transport by ship has advantages over road haulage or rail transport and each mode has its specific strengths.

The objective of this brochure is to look at the different existing waterway situations and cross-sections, showing the sailing and manoeuvring behaviour currently adopted by inland vessels and the resulting loads on the channel bed and banks. The brochure describes the broad range of infrastructures to be found in the Western European network of waterways with special respect to German waterways, ranging from shipping canals to free-flowing and impounded rivers with their special flow and discharge characteristics affecting the dynamics of ships navigating inland waterways.

This brochure’s target readers are:
  • Shipmasters and shipping company representatives
  • Staff in waterways administrations
  • Political representatives
  • Associations focusing on environmental or economic issues
  • Research and development institutions

The publication was prepared in German by members of a working group led by the German expert committees “Inland Waterways and Harbours” (VBW/HTG) and “Inland Vessels” of the German Association for European Inland Navigation and Waterways. It was published in July 2013 and is available on the VBW website www.vbw-ev.de or can be ordered as a hard copy version from Verein für europäische Binnenschiffahrt und Wasserstraßen e.V. | Haus Rhein | Dammstrasse 15-17 | 47119 Duisburg | Germany.

The present English version was translated from the German text by order of BAW by Teamword, Heidelberg. The technical review with some restatements for better understanding and additions were performed mainly by members of BAW, especially Bernhard Söhngen (text), Kristiina Leismann (figures) and Gerlinde Krause (coordination).

The English version can be downloaded HERE.  |  Contact BAW Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau – Kussmaulstrasse 17 – 76187 Karlsruhe – Germany for a hard copy.