VDL Bus & Coach bv has delivered the first Citea Electric for Switzerland to PostBus Switzerland. The bus is part of a pilot project and is deployed on line 342 between Sarnen Bahnhof and Alpnach Dorf Bahnhof from 10 September 2018. Through this pilot PostBus intends to gain experience with electric operation. In addition to the electric bus, VDL Bus & Coach will also supply the charging stations.
“With numerous E-Mobility projects in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Sweden and Norway and more than 200 electric buses on the road, VDL is an experienced partner for the implementation of efficient, emission-free public transport,” says Alex de Jong, business manager public transport for VDL Bus & Coach bv. “We are delighted to have had this opportunity to put our experience to good use for the implementation of electric buses in Switzerland.”
VDL will not only be bus supplier for this order but system supplier as well. The Citea SLF-120 Electric, equipped with a 180 kWh battery pack, is slow-charged both during the night at the depot in Sarnen and during the day at the Alpnach Dorf Bahnhof train station by means of plugs (150 kW). Alpnach Dorf Bahnhof Station is the last stop on the route, where the bus stops for an average of 15 minutes to be charged. This allows the bus to be in service throughout the day.
VDL Citea SLF-120 Electric
The Citea SLF-120 Electric for PostBus is a 12-metre-long bus with a low floor and a 3-door configuration. This allows the e-bus to maintain optimum passenger flow and makes it suitable for the busier city and regional transport routes. Due to the lightweight concept of the Citea Electric, operating costs are very low and maximum ‘Profit of Ownership’ is guaranteed. There are also no exhaust emissions and the e-bus is very quiet, which benefits the liveability of the region. This is not only pleasant for passengers but for residents of the surrounding area as well.
PostBus Switzerland is market leader in the field of public transport in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. With more than 4,000 employees and 2,200 vehicles at their disposal, they carry over 152 million passengers per year. Its trademark – the three-tone horn and the yellow Postbuses – are part of Switzerland’s cultural identity. The PostBus brand embodies the values of reliability, security and trust. The company works daily on the further expansion of their public transport network, which covers over 12,000 kilometres.
VDL Bus & Coach is at the vanguard of the transition to clean, quiet public transport and was once again Western European market leader in electric city buses in 2017. VDL Bus & Coach is hard at work on the further innovation of e-mobility every day. This commitment enables VDL to contribute to a cleaner environment in more and more European countries.
Related article:
– Neun elektrische VDL Citea Busse für ‘s-Hertogenbosch (4. April 2018)