Transforming Transport – Solutions
Special 2 | 2020
In: Internationales Verkehrswesen (72) 3 | September 2020
A study on free-floating carsharing in Europe
Hansjörg Fromm
Patrick Jochem
Heading into “The New Normal”
Potential development paths of international logistics networks in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic
Frank Straube
Benjamin Nitsche
The Perpignan-Figueras high-speed line
A great European project that arrived in the middle of a crisis and in an immature environment
Petros Papaghiannakis
New mobility concepts for rural areas
Lessons learnt in the European cooperation project “Peripheral Access”
Alexandra Beer
Innovative transport systems
Random selection of European Friedrich-List-Prize submissions
- Electrification of road freight transport
Adrian Gunter - Costs of operational hindrances
Markus Loidolt - Network traffic anomaly detection in IoT
Ivan Cvitić - Innovative transport systems and mobility services
Dávid Földes - Creation of mobility packages based on the MaaS concept
Kerényi Tamás - Non-probability recruitment strategies for innovative smartphone-based travel surveys
Johannes Weber
Stefan Hubrich
Rico Wittwer
Regine Gerike
Environmental effects of the Covid-19 lockdown
The example of an EU online convention
Matthias Gather
Claudia Hille
For more information see the International Transportation Collection 2020
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