17. International Conference on Renewable Mobility “Fuels of the Future 2020” on 20./21. January 2020 in Berlin
[UFOP] – The International Congress for Renewable Mobility “Fuels of the Future” will start its 17th round on 20 and 21 January 2020. The congress is the leading event and central discussion forum for the German, European and international development of renewable mobility.
On two congress days, the event will offer the expected 600 industry representatives an overview of the diverse legislative initiatives, current market developments and project examples as well as a broad forum for the exchange of experience and personal discussions.
Putting Biomethane on the Road
Forum D “Putting Biomethane on the Road” for example highlights the development path and successes of the biomethane fuel market in recent years. The focus of this forum is on the broad spectrum of biomethane applications in the mobility sector now and in the near future, along with the economic and political framework for use of biomethane as a fuel. The forum will be moderated by Dr. Claudius da Costa Gomez, Managing Director, German Biogas Association/Fachverband Biogas e.V.
Dr. Claus Bonsen of E.ON Bioerdgas GmbH will describe the most important milestones in establishing biomethane in the mobility sector, using his company as an example. Dr Bonsen will in particular address the high potential of biomethane for greenhouse gas reduction as one of the competitive advantages of this sustainable bio-fuel.
Jaqueline Daniel-Gromke, Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum DBFZ, will present the business model for a micro biogas processing plant and its integration into the gas supply system. The presentation will include a comprehensive analysis of the cost and potential, as well as ways to open up new biomethane production and utilisation potential, e.g. options to convert biogas plants from electricity generation to biomethane production.
Adaptation of the legal framework to recognise liquefied biomethane as a means to meet greenhouse gas reduction requirements opens up a further option for companies in the mineral oil industry to fulfil their emission reduction obligations. In their presentation Toni Reinholz and Matthias Edel, German Energy Agency / Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) explore the current challenges and the results of dena’s study “Bio-LNG — a renewable and low-emission alternative in road freight and shipping”. As well as tackling aspects such as sustainability and cost-effectiveness, the study also formulates political recommendations for a faster market ramp-up of bio-LNG.
Biomethane and sector coupling are inextricably linked in the renewable energy industry’s perception. The new technological approach — Power-to-Gas — further enhances coupling for various sources of renewable energies, allowing existing feedstock potential, such as CO2 from anaerobic digestion, to be integrated into the cycle. Michael Riebesecker, MicroPyros GmbH reports in his lecture on initial experiences with biological methanation and the economic effects that can be achieved by integrating biological methanation into the fuel market.
The forum “Putting Biomethane on the Road” offers participants an excellent opportunity to gain an overview of the status quo concerning biomethane use in the mobility sector and highlights new potential set to emerge in the near future thanks to changes to the legal framework.
Until 30.11.2019 you can register at the early bird rate. Information on the complete programme can be found at https://www.fuels-of-the-future.com