The latest CORDIS Results Pack, a collection of articles on EU-funded projects dedicated to a specific field of scientific research, is now available in free, accessible PDF. This newly revamped second edition brochure features six new cybersecurity projects that are making a positive contribution to bolstering the EU’s cybersecurity capacities and ensuring trust, confidence and the protection of both European citizens and businesses.
The European Commission’s proposals for the next multiannual EU budget starting in 2021 will include a European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre with a Network of National Coordination Centres. The purpose is to support industry and the public sector in adopting state-of-the-art security solutions made and pioneered in Europe.
In two years from now, the EU will have invested close to EUR 1 billion in cybersecurity and online privacy projects, be it under FP7 or Horizon 2020. Close to half of this will have been within the framework of the contractual public-private partnership on cybersecurity for the period 2017-2020.
This updated second edition of the CORDIS Results Pack on Cybersecurity now features a total of 19 of the most promising and successful of EU-funded projects in the field of cybersecurity. These projects, of course, provide but a glance at what EU researchers are currently working on. The EU sees cybersecurity as a key enabler for its digital economy, and many new projects will continue to be funded over the coming years.
Please visit the website for more information, read the online edition or to download it in PDF
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